Dr. Aviv Itzhak
Fields of Research

School of Information Systems

Requirements Engineering, Knowledge Management, Open Architecture, Cloud Computing, IoT, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Innovation Management
Short Bio
Itzhak holds a Ph.D. in requirements engineering of complex systems from Haifa University. He has served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for 22 years, specializing in systems development, systems engineering, and enterprise architecture. His last position in IDF was Commander of the CTO department. He retired as a Lt. Col. Dr. Aviv is a Senior faculty member in MTA and researcher in information systems school at the University of Haifa.
Selected Publications
Journal Papers
1. Aviv I, Hadar I, Levy M. Knowledge Management Infrastructure Framework for Enhancing Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes. Sustainability. 2021; 13(20):11387. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011387
JCR Impact Factor – 3.659
2. Levy M, Hadar I, Aviv I. Agile-Based Education for Teaching an Agile Requirements Engineering Methodology for Knowledge Management. Sustainability. 2021; 13(5):2853. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052853
JCR Impact Factor – 3.659
3. Levy, M., Hadar, I. and Aviv, I. 2018. "A requirements engineering methodology for knowledge management solutions: integrating technical and social aspects", Requirements Engineering Journal. doi:10.1007/s00766-018-0298-x
Scopus Impact Factor: 4.177
Book Chapters
4. Aviv I, 2021 “The Distributed Ledger Technology as Development Platform for Distributed Information Systems”. to be published in Guran L., Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. Springer Book Series.
5. Aviv, I., Levy, M. and Hadar, I. 2012. “Knowledge-Driven Customer Support Services: A Socio-Engineering Approach”, in: Customer Relationship Management and the Social and Semantic Web: Enabling Clients Consensus, IGI Global, pp. 23-38. DOI:10.4018/978-1-61350-044-6.CH002
6. Aviv, I., Levy, M. and Hadar, I. 2012. “A Requirements Engineering Methodology for Knowledge Management in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. In: Levy, M. Knowledge Management in Israel, pp. 9-27. https://www3.openu.ac.il/ouweb/owal/new_books1.book_desc?in_mis_cat=161322
Peer-reviewed Conferences
7. Aviv, I. 2021. “The Distributed Ledger Technology as Development Platform for Distributed Information Systems”. International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 21). Soft Computing Research Society SCRS. https://www.icivc21.scrs.com/page/programschedule
8. Aviv, I., Barger, A., and Pyatigorsky, S. 2021. “Novel Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Employees” Soft Skills Assessment: Group Collaboration Analysis Case Study”. IEEE ICDS 2021 - The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences. https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/53782
9. Aviv, I. 2021. "Blockchain based Development Framework for blockchain-native apps", INCOSE_IL 2021, 11h International Conference on Systems Engineering. https://ddec1-0-en-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fconference.conflr.com%2fIL2021%2fabstract%5f7292&umid=a1147bed-a436-4e4c-a0a1-629c0253447d&auth=4c718652ee14144ea5d93a8f17938ce372b3b8bb-59dd889fc6ddaa5aa5f4b7cfe69308766a33ebb2
10. Sitton, M. Reich, Y., Engel, A., Krihely, T., Aviv, I. 2021. “Architecting optimal edge cloud systems”, INCOSE_IL 2021, 11h International Conference on Systems Engineering. https://ddec1-0-en-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fconference.conflr.com%2fIL2021%2fabstract%5f7278&umid=a1147bed-a436-4e4c-a0a1-629c0253447d&auth=4c718652ee14144ea5d93a8f17938ce372b3b8bb-f3ae9a5fdb79c2fe698a959ea986075ec7b7ef52
11. Aviv, I. 2019. "Blockchain as IOT facilitator: the opportunity and challenge", INCOSE_IL 2019, 10th International Conference on Systems Engineering. https://ddec1-0-en-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fincoseil.org%2fincose%5fil2019%2feng&umid=a1147bed-a436-4e4c-a0a1-629c0253447d&auth=4c718652ee14144ea5d93a8f17938ce372b3b8bb-7d81d3d4cdac752af576aa9d04c1314d3247cf61
12. Levy, M., Hadar, I. and Aviv, I. 2018. "A requirements engineering methodology for knowledge management solutions: integrating technical and social aspects", Paper JF4, 26th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conferece. https://ddec1-0-en-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.re18.org%2facceptedPapers.html&umid=a1147bed-a436-4e4c-a0a1-629c0253447d&auth=4c718652ee14144ea5d93a8f17938ce372b3b8bb-35e24fb3035766c1e55c25d00fb78b149d08dc20