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Dr. Miriam Theilla
Fields of Research
Dr. Miriam Theilla
School of Nursing Science
  • Clinical nutrition

  • TPN- total home parenteral nutrition

  • Nurse

  • Critically ill patients

Short Bio

Malnutrition is common among hospitalized patients. My research focuses on the assessment and nutritional care of critically ill patients. I aim to demonstrate the importance of the nursing staff’s involvement in the nutritional treatment of patients while highlighting the identification and prevention of malnutrition in the hospital and in the community. I developed a self-assessment tool to be completed by the patient that detects patients who are at nutritional risk. In addition, I examine optimal nutritional care. My group investigated resting energy expenditure as well as the ideal protein intake for critically ill patients. And the effect of fish oil-enriched nutritional support on the healing of pressure ulcers and the function of the immune system. The subject of nutrition is fascinating and has a physical, emotional, and social impact on people. As part of my work at the nutrition clinic, I also investigate the emotional and social effects of parenteral nutrition among type III intestinal failure patients.

Dr. Miriam Theilla senior lecturer at Tel Aviv-Yaffo Academic College School for Nursing Sciences is a registered nurse and holds a master’s degree in critical care nursing and a Ph.D. in clinical nutrition at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Hebrew University.

Selected Publications

1.  Theilla, M., Singer, P., Tadmor, B., Bendavid, I., Hellerman, M., & Kagan, I. Community optimized management for better eating after hospital sTay among geriatric patients of poor socio-economic status-The COMEAT study. Clinical Nutrition 2022, 41(8), 1746-1751.‏

2. H. Ben Tovimss, Theilla M. Role and knowledge of critical care nurses in the assessment and management of hypophosphataemia and refeeding syndrome. A descriptive exploratory study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 2021;67: 1-6.

3. M. Gbareens, S. Barnoy,* Theilla M,*( equal contribution*)

Subjective and Objective Nutritional Assessment: the Effect of Cultural Differences and Trust in Social Media Information BMC Nursing 2021: 20:157

4. Theilla M, Rattanachaiwong S, Kagan I, Rigler M, Bendavid I, Singer P.

Validation of GLIM Malnutrition Criteria for Diagnosis of Malnutrition in ICU Patients: An observational study.

Clinical Nutrition.‏2020; DOI:

5. Kot D, Ławiński M, Słodkowski M, Kagan I, Hellerman M, Theilla M.

Effects of Sexual Function, Social Media Use, and Self-Efficacy on Quality of Life among Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients.

Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2020;45 (5): 991-998.

6. Theilla M.

How transplant patients are fed in the intensive care unit: a one-year retrospective study.

Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2020;29(2):262-265.

7. Theilla M, Cohen, J., Kagan, I., Attal-Singer, J., Lev, S., Singer, P.

Home parenteral nutrition for advanced cancer patients: Contributes to survival?

Nutrition 2018;54: 197-200.

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