School of Government and Society
The MTA School of Government & Society combines broad-based theoretical studies with hands-on practical experience in order to empower students with the advanced theoretical knowledge and pragmatic skills they need for future success. Lead by accomplished and field-tested faculty, students are ushered into a world of experiential learning and research that explores topics such as media studies, regulation and digital governance.

Dr. Graciela Trajtenberg is the Dean of the School of Government & Society at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo. Her 2005 book "Between Nationalism and Art: The Social Construction of the Israeli Art Field During the Yishuv Period" received the 2006 Mordechai Ish-Shalom Award for Best Academic Book on Israeli History.
Graciela was formerly Head of the Sociology of the Arts Research Network at the European Sociological Association (ESA-RN 2). She is currently a member of the RN Advisory Committee.
She studies the connection between art, culture, and politics, focusing on the relationship between art and nationalism, women and gender in art, and the social and political aspects of street art in Israel. Her recent research concerns the status of the artist and artistic careers in Israel.
Dr. Graciela Trajtenberg
Email: gtraj@mta.ac.il
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Prof. Vered Holzmann, Director of Research, Development & Innovation
The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo
Desk: +972-3-6802722 Mobile: +972-544-274568
Email: veredhz@mta.ac.il
Roni Shefner, Manager, International Office
Desk: +972-74-7275525 Mobile: +972-52-899-0603
Deena Mesika, Coordinator of International Academic Relations
Desk: +972-3-6802556 Mobile:+972-533-372828
Email: international@mta.ac.il