International Projects
MTA faculty and students engage in collaborative projects with academic institutions from around the world. Through exchange programs and joint ventures, we build alliances, promote advanced learning methodologies, expand capabilities, and exchange knowledge on a global scale.
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.
Set to last until 2020, Erasmus+ doesn't just have opportunities for students. Merging seven prior programmes, it has opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations.

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project - Innovative Finance Inclusion in Academia and Field (IFI)
Coordinator: The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo
Partners: Sapir Academic College (Israel), Kibbutzim College of Education (Israel), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Bezalel Academy of Art and Design (Israel), Tel Hai College (Israel), National Union of Israeli Students (Israel), European Foundation for Management Development (Belgium), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Germany), University of Deusto (Spain), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Netherlands), Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy), SA Estonian Business School (Estonia)
Project Specific Objectives:
1. Sustainable Finance Benchmark
2. Case studies portal
3. Interdisciplinary and separate trainings, study visits and summer school to transfer EU knowledge and practice on academia and industry
4. Technology and design R&D of social finance pre-acceleration ventures to allocate capital, tackles social problems and open work options for HEIs graduates
5. A students-led learning fund to practice sustainable investing decisions
Erasmus + Internationalization by Innovative Technologies(IN2IT) – Capacity Building
MTA is one of 14 Israeli and European institutes participating in “Internationalization by Innovative Technologies” Erasmus + Capacity Building Project. As part of a three-year program, MTA faculty has developed online courses with faculty from partner institutions. In turn, via digital platforms, MTA students connect with international students to tackle course work, strengthening their English skills, and exchange knowledge and experience within an international forum.

Erasmus + Transcultural Nursing for Practice (TNP) – Strategic Partnership
The School of Nursing Science participates in “Transcultural Nursing for Practice” Erasmus+ strategic partnership program for institutions from five countries
The TNP project focuses on creating materials, promoting intercultural understanding and respect among healthcare professionals and culturally diverse clients. This material is intended not only for professionals and public in medical practice, but also serves as a study support of multicultural nursing for healthcare students.
As part of the TNP project, student mobility will take place in partner countries, allowing students to gain direct experience in a different cultural environment, and proves the output of the project.

Contact Us:
Prof. Vered Holzmann
Director of Research, Development & Innovation
The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo
Desk: +972-3-6802722 Mobile: +972-544-274568
Email: veredhz@mta.ac.il
Roni Shefner
Manager, International Office
Deena Mesika
Program Coordinator, International Office
Desk: +972-3-6802556
Email: International@mta.ac.il